Prysi Cosmetic Surgery a Leading Plastic Surgeon
for Coolsculpting in Naples
Freeze away stubborn fat A Non-Invasive Lunchtime Procedure , without surgery or downtime. It’s not about what you lose. Transform Your Body! It’s what you gain.

Say Goodbye To Stubborn Fat
And say hello to the body you Its What You Gain , once had with our clinically proven, FDA-cleared, totally non-surgical treatment without No Downtime! downtime
Real People. Real Results.
“I feel confident in a two-piece bathing suit. I haven’t had a two-piece on in years and I can walk around with it on. I have a form fitting dress on and when I walk down the street I feel confident. CoolSculpting is probably one of the best things I’ve ever done.” Paige, Female
“I definitely did not want or need surgery. That’s why I decided on CoolSculpting.” Karen, Female
“It’s not just that other people noticed the results – as in individual, it inspired me.” Jeani, Female